The life of a single expat during a pandemic — or how to find your authentic self in difficult times

The life of an expat can be the most incredible experience you will ever have in your life. You enter a new cultural environment and you meet new and amazing people, sharing good times. You grow as a person — but what if all this is temporarily not possible due to the current pandemic? What if you cannot socially interact and are forced to stay at home, alone?

The best and most important advice is: Become your own best friend. Treat yourself as if you would treat your beloved best friend or any person you genuinely care for. Give yourself the advice you would give your bf, be patient with yourself and take things slow. Be your own parent. Writing helps 😉

See this crisis as a chance!

I assure you, once you start the journey to your inner and authentic self, you will be enriched with a lot of self-awareness and power! You will embrace yourself more, and your overall quality of life will change a lot. Once you are (more) at peace with yourself, the outer challenges, like the pandemic or any other, will be easier for you to handle. And remember: The most valuable resource we have is always ourselves!



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